API Reference

Have field names changed between Console reporting and this API?

Certain fields have different, more precise names in the Reporting API compared to the TripleLift Console.

Name in TripleLift ConsoleName in Reporting API
Deal IDDeal Code
PlacementPlacement Name
Ad RequestsImpressions
Filled ImpressionsRendered

What timezone is the data in?

All data is in UTC.

When is data for the current day available?

Current day data is not available in real time. Data is subject to processing delays, but the first hour of the day can generally be expected by 10:00 UTC.

What currency is the data in?

All monetary fields are in USD.

What dimensions & metrics are available to query?

Please refer to the GraphQL schema for up to date information on available endpoints, dimensions, and metrics in the TripleLift Reporting API.

You can start exploring the API using Altair, once you have obtained your API key, JWT, and have a TripleLift member account ID.

How does the domain threshold rollup work?

Domain is one of the highest cardinality fields exposed via the TripleLift Reporting API. Adding domain as a dimension can increase the number of rows by a factor of 100x or more.

Therefore, whenever a query contains the domain dimension, we automatically roll up all rows which contribute a marginal amount (less than 0.1%) of the total renders for the query into a single row with the domain name “Other”.

e.g. If a report has a total of 2,000 renders, and you queried for the domain dimension, then any domain with fewer than 2 renders (2,000 * 0.001) will be rolled up into a single row with the domain name “Other”.

You can opt out of this behavior with the optional query parameter useThreshold.

How should the CSV from the asynchronous endpoints be parsed?

When using the asynchronous endpoints, you'll receive a response in the form of a CSV. Refer to the CSV Response Parsing section for tips on parsing the results.

What’s the source of the ORTB dimensions in the CTV endpoints?

Part of the ORTB and AdCOM specs, the content object surfaces metadata about the content in which an ad impression will be rendered. The ORTB dimensions are available in the ctv* endpoints.

From the IAB TechLab:

[The content] object describes the content in which an impression can appear, which may be syndicated or non-syndicated content. This object may be useful when syndicated content contains impressions and does not necessarily match the publisher's general content. An exchange may or may not have knowledge of the page where the content is running as a result of the syndication method (e.g., a video impression embedded in an iframe on an unknown web property or device).

What’s the source of the TL_ dimensions in the CTV endpoints?

TripleLift maintains a catalog of data related to video content for In Show ad formats, including metadata like content producer, series title, genre, etc. which provides additional insight into content. This data is provided during the ingestion and analysis process of content for In Show ad formats by the content producer’s content management system. The TL_ dimensions related to video content metadata are available in the ctv* endpoints.