API Reference

These endpoints are designed to handle queries for high volumes of data and return results within 5 minutes.

Results are in the form of a CSV report. Please refer to the CSV Response Parsing section for tips on result handling.

There are currently 2 options for obtaining a CSV report asynchronously:

A. Submit an async request and immediately receive a report download link. Poll a second endpoint until your report is ready at that download link.

B. Submit an async request and wait to receive an email containing a ready report.



Currently, CSV reports larger than 400MB will fail. Please refer to the Querying Guidelines section for tips on managing report size.


This endpoint is used in Option A. It takes in the same parameters as the synchronous publisherNetworkReport endpoint (minus the pagination-related fields cursor and size) and it returns a download link in the form of a pre-signed S3 URL.



The pre-signed S3 URL expires 30 minutes after it is returned.

Sample request:


Sample response:



This is the polling endpoint mentioned in Option A. It takes in the pre-signed S3 link returned from asyncDownloadPublisherNetworkReport and it returns one of 3 possible status strings:

  • READY - the report is present in the download link
  • WAITING - the report is not ready yet
  • ERROR - the report request must be resubmitted



Please refer to the GraphQL schema for this endpoint's status refresh rate to help define your poll interval.


This endpoint is used in Option B. It takes in the same parameters as the synchronous publisherNetworkReport endpoint (minus the pagination-related fields cursor and size), as well as a list of valid email addresses for the report recipients. It returns true if the request was successfully received, and false otherwise.



Note that asyncEmailPublisherNetworkReport has an email size limit of 10MB. Any email exceeding the limit will fail to send.

Sample request:


Sample response: